Perioada infloritoare a lepselor de pe bloguri a fost toamna-iarna anul trecut. Dar pe mine acum m-au prins. Sau poate ca doar acum am gasit cateva lepse care mi se par dragute si nu foarte plictisitoare.
Iata inca una:
Sunt doar eu
As vrea sa ma intorc in timp cu 10 ani
Pastrez agenda mea si a surorii mele de cand eram adolescente
Mi-as dori sa am 25 kg mai putin
Nu-mi place sa nu fac nimic
Ma tem de conspiratii
Aud numai ce-mi convine
Imi pare rau de zilele care trec si nu se mai intorc
Imi place ENORM sa conduc ( masini / autoturisme )
Nu sunt slaba
Cant cateodata
Niciodata nu ma voi satura de calatorii
Rar.... ????
Plang destul de des in ultima vreme
Stare de confuzie: m-am nascut in epoca potrivita personalitatii mele?
Am nevoie de prieteni
Ar trebui sa ma mobilizez mai repede
As putea sa locuiesc intr-o rulota
Andreuta ur next
vineri, 2 aprilie 2010
joi, 1 aprilie 2010
Leapsa....If I were...
Eu n-am sa transmit leapsa doar unei persoane. Sunteti toti invitati, daca va face placere. Mie mi-a placut foarte tare. Mi se pare un fel de test de personalitate.
If I were a month, I would be December
If I were a day of the week, I would be Friday
If I were a time of day, I would be night
If I were a animal, I would be a panther
If I were a direction, I would be… west
If I were a virtue, I would be … honesty
If I were a historical figure I would be Joana d’Arc
If I were a stone, I would be onyx
If I were a bird, I would be an eagle
If I were a planet, I would be Venus.
If I were a liquid, I would be Whiskey
If I were a flower/plant, I would be a yellow rose
If I were a kind of weather, I would be a snow day
If I were a musical instrument, I would be a guitar.
If I were an emotion, I would be happiness
If I were a sound, I would be the sound of a river
If I were an element, I would be air.
If I were a song, I would be Lady in Red
If I were a movie, I would be Godfather
If I were a tv-series, I would be Californication
If I were a fictional character, I would be Superman
If I were a food, I would be cheese
If I were a city, I would be Amsterdam
If I were a taste, I would be lemon taste
If I were a scent, I would be the scent of winter / snow
If I were a color, I would be black
If I were a word, I would be vanity
If I were a facial expression, I would be ;)
If I were a subject in school, I would be Geography
If I were a cartoon character, I would be pink panther
If I were a shape, I would be a circle
If I were a number, I would be 7
If I were a car, I would be Defender
If I were an item of clothing, I would be a pair of Diesel jeans
If I were a month, I would be December
If I were a day of the week, I would be Friday
If I were a time of day, I would be night
If I were a animal, I would be a panther
If I were a direction, I would be… west
If I were a virtue, I would be … honesty
If I were a historical figure I would be Joana d’Arc
If I were a stone, I would be onyx
If I were a bird, I would be an eagle
If I were a planet, I would be Venus.
If I were a liquid, I would be Whiskey
If I were a flower/plant, I would be a yellow rose
If I were a kind of weather, I would be a snow day
If I were a musical instrument, I would be a guitar.
If I were an emotion, I would be happiness
If I were a sound, I would be the sound of a river
If I were an element, I would be air.
If I were a song, I would be Lady in Red
If I were a movie, I would be Godfather
If I were a tv-series, I would be Californication
If I were a fictional character, I would be Superman
If I were a food, I would be cheese
If I were a city, I would be Amsterdam
If I were a taste, I would be lemon taste
If I were a scent, I would be the scent of winter / snow
If I were a color, I would be black
If I were a word, I would be vanity
If I were a facial expression, I would be ;)
If I were a subject in school, I would be Geography
If I were a cartoon character, I would be pink panther
If I were a shape, I would be a circle
If I were a number, I would be 7
If I were a car, I would be Defender
If I were an item of clothing, I would be a pair of Diesel jeans
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